MovieChat Forums > Grange Hill (1978) Discussion > So Tigger then recives the honour

So Tigger then recives the honour

Of being the last Grange Hill character to wear their tie the thin way ..... Who'd of thought Tigger would jump in at the last to steal Abel's sure-looking certain crown!!!?

Oh well it must be Tigger's crown now I think! Now what remains to be sorted out was who was the very first character to wear their tie the thin way at GH?!!? Any candidates?


Ooh there's a question. Could it be Jonah from Series 5?


Hi Geffers,
It is me Franco from TNGHB. I think it could well be Jonah too, but may-be Belinda but i'm not sure. I will have to check my tapes out but I can not really abide Series 5 at all, so i'm a tad reluctant to look!
