MovieChat Forums > Grange Hill (1978) Discussion > What happened to the 2nd generation afte...

What happened to the 2nd generation after their 1st year?

Of the new intake only Duane, Pogo and Anita made it to the 2nd year joined by Stewpot, Clare and Suzanne.....what happened to Tracy, Sally and in particular Karen Stanton who I thought was excellent.


Oh I see Karen Stanton did make it to series 4....


I dont know why they axed so many character affter their first year. Its like the writers decided that Tracy, Sally, Michael Green, Karen Stanton (who only appeared in one episode in Series 4)etc didnt work. Did a major revamp with the intake and brought in Clare, Stewpot, Gripper, Suzanne, Precious, Suzanne etc


It may of been that the actors did not want to do it or they had to much school work on.
