Memorable Events...

Some of the things in GH that I STILL recall even now are these:

* Justin Bennet's accident
* Gripper's expulsion
* Zammo and Julie's wedding plans
* Zammo "...chased the dragon but got a smack in the nose." quote. LOL!
* When Susi McMahon threw her bra into a river during a school trip
* Miss McCluskey leaving
* Spotty Trevor Cleaver, dressed up in a coat, in a bookies, putting on a bet!

I can't think up any more right now.


The race war between Gripper and the Blacks was amazing and still impactful even today

The scene which stands out was Precious giving Gripper a serve for calling her a monkey threatening him with her brother


She really gave him what for!


The feud between Bronson and Danny Kendall.

Bronson leaving the school to find a chalk-outline where his car used to be.

Danny being found dead in said car.


Danny being found dead in said car.

That WAS shocking. Didn't he have his eyes open?


buckaroobanzai50 wrote:

That WAS shocking. Didn't he have his eyes open?

Yes - it was at the end of the episode. They (Gonch?) opened the car door, and Danny's head fell back, with his dead eyes wide open.

Although - and I may be misremembering this - he blinked just before the credits began to roll.

Wish to god they'd release more Grange Hill on DVD - "my" years were around mid-late 80s to early 90s! Curious to see how they'd hold up now.


No, you remembered it just right. After his head fell back when Gonch, Ziggy and the other lad opened the door, he had his eyes wide open. Then just as the screen was fading to black, he closed them. Excuse the pun, but it was a blink and you'll miss it moment.

SEX - Breakfast Of Champions!


Jeremy drowning in the pool was a scene that scarred my childhood. After that, Danny Kendall's death was fairly tame.
