Is this the one where...

I have a memory from childhood of a series where some people were trapped in a house by a ring of stones which kept getting closer and closer.

I came across Children of the Stones recently and suspected that it was the show I remembered, but it doesn't exactly correspond.

I suspect that my memory is a simply a bit off-kilter, but if there was another program with encroaching stones I would appreciate knowing what it was?



I haven't seen Children of the Stones myself, so I don't know if they're trapped in a house by a ring of stones.

You may be thinking of the 1989 film paperhouse, which was adapted from the book Marianne Dreams by Catherine Storr. It’s the story of a sick young girl who dreams about a picture she has drawn. Each time she adds something else to the picture it appears in her dream. She draws a house surrounded by stones with a boy looking out of the window. In her dream the stones are watching the house and preventing them from leaving.

I really enjoyed reading the book, but the film is a little ropey. You can still get both from Amazon.

I hope this is of some help :D



The people are not trapped in a house, and the ring of stones are not getting any closer. Maybe you are talking about a different show. In this one, the people turn to stone or something like that, and become happy.



"Escape Into Night" ATV, 1972
Never heard of it, I was six. Love to see it, though!
Remember "Children of the Stones"(1977), and "The Changes"(1975)

"The rocks, called Watchers, slowly begin to close in on the house and Mark
and Marianne realise they must escape the house before their dreams end."


Thanks for all the replies. It wasn't clear from my original post but when I said "come across" I also meant I had watched it [CofS]; and I was pretty sure it wasn't the show I was thinking of.

Lindsay and Duncan have cracked it. "Escape into Night" and "Paperhouse" were both versions of the novel "Marianne Dreams". I'm pretty sure it is the series I remember--now all I have to do is track it down.

Thanks again


You don't know how long I've been trying to remember this series. I myself watched Paperhouse and thought I was having flashbacks! I'm glad someone remembers the series. Is it me or can no-one write/produce TV shows like the ones we had when we were young?


I was also surprised on seeing the tail end of film Paperhouse on tv one afternoon and noticing that it was made long after when I thought I'd watched (something very like) it as a kids' tv series.

Only much later did I find sites such as these
which put me right!


I'm another old fart that remembers this show. I'm sure if I saw it now I'd be laughing at it but back then it scared the bejeezus out of me. This was also back in the era when we watched Doctor Who from behind a cushion because it was so scary. (though no Satanist references that I remember...)


whernt they trapped in a house in "saphire and steel"
and steel eats a pice of circit board to stop an army of ghost solders
somthing like that



The people don't look very happy as they turn into stones, especially the teenage girl. She was practically screaming at Gareth Thomas(Blake's Seven)that she didn't want to become a monalith, but she turned into a menhir(French-Gaellic word for large stone) nonetheless. I wonder who played her.



According to the IMDB cast list for "Children of the Stones"

there is one female character portrayed by a teenage acress. Sandra, portrayed by Katharine Levy. "Children of the Stones" was filmed in 1976, and Katharine Levy was born in 1961, thus making her 14 or 15.


Is it possible to see "Escape Into Night"? I would love to see it. I enjoyed Paperhouse, and I am interested in this one, as well.



If you want something released on DVD, this is a good place to start:

In fact, someone already added Escape Into Night two years ago:


Thank you very much, you various people! This concept has been dogging me ever since it came out and at last I know it's name - "Escape Into Night" (H'mm shame they could'nt think of a more generic title). Now all I have to do is track down a copy.


This is & has been doing my head in too ...

The only thing I can remember about it is that there were (I think) 2 kids in an old country house in the middle of a large field or something & they were convinced that the surrounding stones were getting closer - you never SAW the stones move, but when the kids looked away & looked back again, the stones had moved a bit closer .....

Is that "Children Of The Stones" or "Escape Into Night"?

It would have been late 60's/early/mid 70's I think.
