I just wonder if when Bruce Jenner joined the cast of Chips did they do a new intro with him in it or did they just leave the old intro with Jon and Punch? If they did make a new intro where can I find it. I have found most of the Chips intros on YouTube. Please can someone put a link up to the Bruce Jenner intro if there is one please?
No!!! He isn't gay, he likes women! He's had three wives and fathered three children. He's Transgender meaning he always wanted to dress as a woman, and look like a woman. Strange being that he was such a big athletic man, who would have thought that? But he came out of the closet and admitted that and started with the female hormones and surgeries or whatever too look and feel like a woman. But I believe he is keeping his penis? I'm not sure though! But I know for a fact he is attracted to women as he always was. So IDK if that will make him a lesbian? But if he does keep the penis intact, I think he might have a hard time (LOL pardon the pun "hard time") finding a normal woman that would want to have sex with a transgender woman! I know I wouldn't want to have sex with someone who became a total woman, but still had a d*ck! That would freak me out! But with his kind of money, who knows? A gold digger might not care?
OR IDK, he is like 66 years old, sex might not be the first thing on her/his mind anyway!
He was obviously too big a guy for the bike he rode on CHiPs. I don't recall seeing an intro with him; I just recall that his knees were practically by his elbows when he rode.