Did Seigfreid Marry?

I was wondering, I am sure I saw an episode when Seigfreid Farnham married.
Can anyone remember this too?


Yes, in the 1983 Christmas special Siegfried is marrying Caroline.

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He did marry in that Christmas episode, but then the story-line was pretty much forgoten after that. If I am recalling correctly, they may have made a passing reference to him being married during season 4, but I think during later seasons, he is interested in several women, so was apparantly not married anymore.

I always thought that was strange how they pretty much ignored his personal life and that marriage.


Well, there are regular mentions of Caroline in the later episodes (like "Oh, it's Caroline's bridge night", or "Caroline wants to go someplace or other"), and I can't remember any other women he was interested in later episodes. There were several of course in series 1-3!



Well in the commentary or book (can't recall which one), they mentioned he was married before the series had even taken place (timeline wise) and his wife had died. He later was remarried, but because of how much pain the loss of his wife caused they avoided mentioning his personal life per his request.


it is confusing -I am re-watching the shows on netflix,( but they do not have
the xmas episodes on instant watch.)in series 6, ep #1 Siegfried was talking
about how Helen and Caroline went somewhere ( London ?) and I am thinking "hey
who is Caroline ?" Tonight in series 6,ep #12 someone asked Siegfried if he had
children and he said yes......no mention of Caroline or kids in any other show.
but then, Helen and Jame's kids have not been on screen in all of series 6
either - mentioned, yes---but not seen.strange goings on.
Loved "tonights" episode with Dame Thora Hird -she's great !

