MovieChat Forums > All Creatures Great & Small (1978) Discussion > A Question Regarding Mrs. Pumphrey's Pe...

A Question Regarding Mrs. Pumphrey's Pet Dog

Did "Tricky-Woo" ever die at some point during the seven seasons of "All Creatures Great & Small" or is "Tricky-Woo" still alive and kicking, and now a robust and hardy thousand-years-old (in dog years)?

I mean, even James' pet dog died on the show in Season 5 (I think?).


My understanding is that they went through several dogs playing Trickie-Woo. I don't know if that means some of them died or that they became unavailable for other reasons. I remember a reference to the changing color of the dog over the years. They couldn't have had TW die in the program - Hodgekin would have been too happy about it!


Yes, poor and long-suffering Mr. Hodgekin would have been absolutely "devastated" by Tricki's passing!

And, how can we ever forget Mrs. Pumphrey's pet boxer, who had a problem, which the great lady referred to very politely as "excessive flatus"? (Tristan found much humor in that poor dog's particular "problem," as I recall.)
