Did James Break Helen's Heart?

The Real Carol Drinkwater had an affair with the always amorous Christopher Timothy who played James Herriot and the Brit tabloids (the ugliest gossip sheets in the world) embarrassed her immensely. She also thought she was getting typecast in the role - she should have been thankful, such a beloved role comes only once in a lifetime. Ah, but she is ALWAYS Helen for me.


She'll always be the "real" Helen. The casting department blew it when they chose Lynda Bellingham to replace her. She's a good actress, but she was completely wrong for the part. SShe had no chemistry whatsoever with Christopher Timothy, they gave her one helluvan unflattering hairstyle and very matronly clothing, and she had none of the effortless warmth Carol brought to the role.

We are Mods! We are Mods! We are, we are, we are Mods!


I literally cannot watch the non-Helen episodes. Bummer.


I personally can't watch the non-Tristan episodes, even if they still made him nothing more than comic relief when the show came back on the air.

We are Mods! We are Mods! We are, we are, we are Mods!


Methinks you are in love.


I'm watching the series and the new Helen (Lynda Bellingham) is just so cold and frumpy! Not to mention the dialog has her treating James more like a serf than a husband.

"Smithers, lay $1000 dollars upon the man."
