Blood Letting?

Twice I have seen what looks like blood letting as the treatment, once with the gypsies pony and once with a cow where the help fainted. What sort of ailments does blood letting cure? and how?


Well, the pony got into some food and it caused painful hooves. Perhaps it drove his blood pressure up and blood letting served to reduce the total blood volume which brought relief. And let's not forget that the other part of the treatment was to cool his hooves in the stream and exercise him.


Early in the first (American) book, ACGAS, Siegfried is showing James around and shows him the "armory". Siegfried says there's nothing like a good bloodletting for laminitis.

So googled laminitis bloodletting and one of the items that came up had this information:

Department of clinical study
College of veterinary medicine /KFU
Dr.M.Racin Abdin-Bey
Laminitis is an aseptic necrosis involving the sensitive laminae which are connected with the hoof wall.

Pododermatitis acuta diffusa aseptica

the capillary blood supply of the hoof is the target organ for endotoxine which is released as a result of many causes:
 carbohydrate overload ( grain/spring pasture)
 postfoaling metritis
 other possible causes : overdose of steroids, toxicity with chemical agents . . .etc..
Predisposing factors
• Hoof as a nonexpandable structure
• the change of blood flow
• favor the release of prostaglandin (end mediator of endotoxine)
• increase of arteriovenous anastomosis
• loss of blood supply to the laminae causing necrosis of the laminae
Clinical findings and diagnosis
 All feet can be involved
 unable to move,
 typical stand (sawhorse).
 increased rate and amplitude of the digital pulse
 rotation of the pedal bone (distal phalanx) may occur and its dorsal part may protrude through the sole of the foot
 2 - 4 lt. of paraffin oil
 blood letting of 5 - 8 liters this releases the pressure in the hoof capsule
 prostaglandin synth. inhibitor (Finadyn)
 hoof shoe with elevation of the heel
 where metritis the possible cause is, treatment of the primary cause is started

In the story, horse eats a load of oats (as I recall) causing a carb overload, increased blood flow from the reaction, causing a problem in the feet as the hooves don't expand. Letting out blood reduces pressure/flow, feet recover.
