MovieChat Forums > ¿Quién puede matar a un niño? Discussion > The ending reminds me of Night of the Li...

The ending reminds me of Night of the Living Dead's

It reminds me of the ending of night of the living dead.
Anyone else agree, or am I off the beaten path?

Gay people...robots in disguise!


You`re right. That's what I was thinking!


I agree, also the cinematographer of the film admitted that there are NOTLD elements as well as The Birds, both are good films and it is a neat twist to use those same elements from zombies and killer birds mixed with paranoia and then using it in a killer children film.


I just watched this film, and I thought the same thing about the end.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I watched an Icelandic horror movie that ended the same way.He was trying to get the approaching coast guard type police to help him with the bad guy he was holding a gun on and he gets shot instead of the bad guy. But the bad guy gets it anyway, unlike the little monsters in this movie.
So what happens when they start becoming adults, do they kill off their own too eventually like in Logan's Run?



I found myself comparing this film to The Birds and the ending to that of Night of the Living Dead. Very unsettling movie - felt like my insides were all twisted when watching this!

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


I loved the ending. The first time I watched it, I thought the couple was just going to kill all of the children, get away from the island, and live happily ever after, so not only was this ending surprising but I think it fit the rest of the film perfectly. I know it sounds awful, but I love dark, unhappy endings because they show that just because the film is over doesn't mean the terror is. On the contrary, it's only just begun.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.
