Weird about the husband ...
He claims to have been on the island twelve years before but:
- He was pronouncing the name of the island incorrectly, and his wife teased him about that once or twice.
- When he rented the boat and asked whether there was any place to stay on the island, the boat guy said there was only one place and anyone who had ever visited the island would know that.
- There were phones on the island, contrary to what the husband evidently told his wife.
- When they were walking down the street, he missed the hotel (which he should have known the location of, if he had visited the island before) and it was his wife who spotted it.
- His story about villagers holding festivals on the other side of the island seemed forced, and made up on the spot.
I do not believe the husband was in on anything. So how to explain the points above?
As a simple tourist, did he just want to visit the island and did he just pretend to have visited the island before, and liked it, in order to get his wife to make the long boat trip?
Because I can see how anyone, let alone a pregnant woman nearing the end of her term, would be unwilling to make a four hour boat trip just to satisfy someone else's whim.
And then, once they got there and found things not quite as he said, was he just making up excuses?