The translation of the original, Who Can Kill a Child? would be incomprehensible to the average American (some of whom seem to have posted their incomprehension on this Board).
The same for the US remake of Village of the Damned. The British original includes a moral dilemma.
To be honest, the title is a big reason I chose to watch the movie. I reasoned that a movie with a crazy title like that had to be entertaining; and I am glad I did watch it. It was much better than I expected.
As an American, I have to say that Who Can Kill a Child grabbed my attention more than the original title does... The original brings to mind more of a cheesy kind of flick, while WCKaC makes me think of a good horror/thriller for some reason.
Regardless, I loved it... and unlike the other Americans I see posting here, I'd have a hard time killing those kids, as creepy as they were.
I still remember the day I got the DVD of the film in the mail. My mom was in the room at the time. She took one look at the cover image with the title "Who Can Kill A Child?" and said "What is THIS?" as though she were so offended. I still find it funny to this day.