
why were the bullys after him again. not just one but a whole gang of them.


When Bobby got his van, he got back at his co-workers at the car wash (who earlier ran Bobby's convertible through the wash) by giving them beer spiked with laxatives, causing them all to make a beeline for the men's room.


I cannot remember if I have seen this movie before or not because ever since they took off a great show called USA UP ALL NIGHT from USA Network then I do not get to see classic movies like this anymore you know.

Check it out: http://deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


It was because he had placed some sort of exlax into a beer that he gave to his fellow workers at the car wash. LOL

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/
