Best DVD version

Not that DVDs of this movie are widely available anyway, but I've read information regarding several DVD editions of various quality. I'm not expecting Criterion edition treatment here, but some folks have spoken about releases containing missing frames, sub-par picture quality, etc. Apparently some DVD issues are heavily edited as well. My question to anyone who owns this movie on DVD, which is the best issue for me to get (i.e. the closest thing to the theatrical release)?


I have two DVD copies of the movie and they both seem the same. You should go for the one which is a Starlite Drive-In Theater DVD double feature which also contains "The Pom Pom Girls".


I actually took a chance and got a copy of the Rhino DVD off eBay about a month ago. This looks to be the real deal... doesn't appear to be edited, it's full-frame and there is some slight age discoloration (the scene where Bobby purchases the van at the dealership especially seems to have a yellow tint to it), but all in all I'm happy with this copy.


Thats cool, i also have the Rhino edition.


I just bought mine a couple of weeks ago from a DVD box collection from Best Buy. It is called Too Cool For School Collection and it looked great to be honest with you. I only paid for it $9.99 and it included other films like Pom Pom Girls and Malibu Beach which were both made in the 70's. The other movies are in the 80's.

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