Trombone Stabbing

When he kills the one guys by using the trombone it was sick and sadistic. This guy was definately a wack job!


That is pretty gross, but it did not happen in the real murder case. I don't think anyway.


yeh, it didn't happen in the real murders...


I am good friends with a guy who's father was engaged to be married to a woman, but she broke up with himn because he laughed at the Trombone stabbing. Later he married another woman, and their child was the guy I'm friends with. My friend came that close to never being born, whoa.



"but she broke up with himn because he laughed at the Trombone stabbing." Surely there's more to it than that. But if his laughter disturbed the woman, good riddance to her.


Yeah, in real life I believe the killer used a bassoon.

"You liked Rashomon."
"That's not how I remember it."


It's a very vivid scene but not realistic if you think about it.

He finds the trombone and all he has in his pocket is a folding knife and a piece of string or a leather thong with which to tie the knife to the smooth metal trombone slide. He then proceeds to mock play the instrument and stab her with forward thrusts. I don't think it would hold up and work like it seems to. It sure looked hellish though.

When thisTV showed it they had a commercial for AARP where the guy is plaing an old trombone right after the scene. LOL


um, the trombone victim was female.


The killer did have a twisted imagination.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Definitely one of the film's most startling and memorable moments of sadistic violence.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


IRL, murder victim Betty Jo Booker played a saxophone, not a trombone, and the saxophone wasn't found until six months after she fell prey to the Phantom Killer. It was found about 70 feet or so from where her body had been found earlier.

The saxophone had never been taken out of its case during the murders.

"I don't deduce, I observe."

