SPOILERS!! Did anyone laugh..

when the texas ranger and agent ramsey were firing shots under the train and the killer was running in slow motion and then he got shot. i cracked up. it still makes me laugh just thinking about it.

" can't wait to go to LA"



That was actually a "holy sh--" moment for me and a great sequence, the slow motion clearly a little nod to Sam Peckinpah. Very weird tone overall though - what with five amazing, practically flawless set pieces interspersed with goofy, cornball good ol' boy police procedural humor.



That scene was a great one! :-) How is it funny I wonder?


i just thought it was funny cause for in that moment you actually saw some fear in the killer. But i think the slow motion part really did it for me. It looked funny. But its a great scene.

You can't swing a dead cat in hollywood without hitting someone with a vampire script


Didn't laugh, I sort of bought the scene. It was Ben's only action scene as I recall. The smoke shooting out his shotgun was like a blunderbust or a civil war musket; so it made for a good image.

Not knowing the real story when I saw it, I thought they had dropped him and the game was over. No way anyone could have got away on foot after getting their knee blown apart as depicted. And the guy already had a limp!

I bet they never got close to a shoot out in the real case and there was no mention of the car thief believed to be a suspect had a recent leg wound.


that scene always cracks me up too! it's like pierce stops the film dead so he can rip off sam peckinpah(complete with a shotgun wielding ben johnson).


lmao! I should watch this movie again. I still wonder til this day who the phantom killer was.



That scene looks awesome. Something out of the wild bunch. Did anyone notice the half naked camera man on one of the cars though? Plain as day

These videos will self destruct


The scene with the train did not happen in real life. It is fictional. Andrew Prine says as much in the interview on the Shout dvd/bluray. He stated that the script didn't have an ending and he wrote it that way. Obviously to give it a more interesting finale.
