Where is Travolta?

John Travolta is in the credits on IMDb, but not on the credits of the actual movie, unless there are different versions. I also did not see, or at least recognize him in the movie. If someone knows what scene, or act he is in, please let me know.

"It's not revenge he's after. It's
a reckoning."


who? wha? wheah?


I just saw THE TENTH LEVEL and pretty much scrutinized it frame for frame. No Travolta. There was only one scene that was a POSSIBILITY. At the end, a character runs down a hallway, thru a group of college students. One of the male students had TRAVOLTA-like hair! And would have been about the right age. But his face, while not clear at all, seemed a far stretch to be Travolta. So until someone talks to John for a confirmation... I say no Travolta in it.

Questions?/Comments? * This Has Been
e-mail From: "Dr. Mark" Hill * The Doctor
Of Pop Culture


The general consensus is that it is actually Stephen Macht are thinking of. He wears clothes similar to the sweathog costume Travolta wore in Kotter

George "Stompy" Hollo



Often when an actor appears in the IMDb credits but not in the film credits, it's because they had their scenes deleted.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Or somebody added them to the list for whatever reason. There are films on IMDB that do not exist, so a mistaken cast member added by an overzealous fan is not out of the question.


Sort of sounds like Travolta was stalking Shatner having been in The Devil's Rain the year before. lol

Just watched Experimenter and looked up this film.


lol me too... haven't even finished yet, but it (The Experimenter) has kept me rapt thus far...

Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.

