John Travolta is in the credits on IMDb, but not on the credits of the actual movie, unless there are different versions. I also did not see, or at least recognize him in the movie. If someone knows what scene, or act he is in, please let me know.
I just saw THE TENTH LEVEL and pretty much scrutinized it frame for frame. No Travolta. There was only one scene that was a POSSIBILITY. At the end, a character runs down a hallway, thru a group of college students. One of the male students had TRAVOLTA-like hair! And would have been about the right age. But his face, while not clear at all, seemed a far stretch to be Travolta. So until someone talks to John for a confirmation... I say no Travolta in it.
Questions?/Comments? * This Has Been e-mail From: "Dr. Mark" Hill * The Doctor Of Pop Culture
Or somebody added them to the list for whatever reason. There are films on IMDB that do not exist, so a mistaken cast member added by an overzealous fan is not out of the question.