The Best Horror Flick about Hostile Worms Ever Made!
After the incredible success of Jaws in 1975, "nature runs amok" flicks became real popular for the next decade or so; in fact, they're still being made. This was released a year later in July, 1976, in the USA (and 1977-1978 in most other countries).
The opening claims that the events are based on an actual incident from September 29, 1975. (Why Sure!).
The first time I saw "Squirm" on late night TV I was about 13 years old and, man, it scared the you-know-what out of me! I was taken in by the story, the eerie mood and Deep South ambiance. It was entrancing. Seeing it again as an adult, it's understandably not as scary or captivating, but that first viewing won my utmost and eternal respect.
It was actually shot in the deep South, in Port Wentworth, Georgia (just North of Savannah), and all the actors go for the whole "Southern" bit with aplomb. So the film has an authentic Southern feel.
The story is generally slow-paced but that's okay because the movie only runs 92 minutes. It has atmosphere and a few really creepy scenes, like when the worms attack Roger's face while fishing in a rowboat with Geri ( The story isn't campy at all, as some claim, although there's some realistic humor. It's pretty much presented in all seriousness; and the acting by the main characters is believable and good (although not so much with the peripheral characters). Roger strikes you as a likable genuine country boy in the first half.
All of these factors explain how I was able to get swept up in the story and take it seriously (at least as serious as such a story can be taken). It may not be a Grade A film like "Jaws" or "Orca," but it's certainly a quality 'B' movie, assuming you have a taste for "nature runs amok" flicks. Don't listen to those who say this is Grade Z. It's not; it's a well-made B picture.
How you will take "Squirm" depends on your personality. Some will find it unintentionally funny or cheesy, while others, like me, will take it seriously and enjoy the eerie air, Southern locations and a few good frights. It's effective for the type of film it is.