absolutely scared the life out of me to think that lightening could turn worms into carniverous man eaters.
Worms eating into some dudes head, coming out of the showerhead and some bad guy being swallowed up by the entire squirm near the end. Scarred me for many years.
My parents had terrible taste in movies, or they just didn't care. They would climb in the car, go to the drive-in theater, and watch whatever was being shown. They would bring me and my sister along, and figured we would fall asleep quickly so it didn't matter if they brought us to watch movies like this or, say, The Exorcist 2, etc...
Turns out I didn't fall asleep, and watched enough of it to be scared before they finally decided to go home. You'd think they would've learned by then to at least check the movies before getting there. lol.
My friends and I saw this at our local grindhouse cinema in 1977. We were around 14, so we were past the "frightened" age for this type of movie. Although, there were some good 'jump' moments that were pretty scary.
We loved the movie though, even if it didn't really actually scare us.
i came here actually just trying to figure out what the scary movies from my childhood were called. this was one of them i found here just by starting with the word 'worms'. it scared me something terrible at age 5
I found this extremely distuburbing as a kid. Partly because it's so poorly made in many ways that the gritty tone of it makes it even more repulsive. I wasn't scared as much as disturbed and disgusted, but it did scar me, alright.
I was much more scared by Alien and Jaws, both of which are still two of my favourites. But I will never ever forget Squirm either, which kind of proves that a horror doesn't have to be good to scar a kid forever.