MovieChat Forums > Squirm (1976) Discussion > This film made me scared of showers!

This film made me scared of showers!

I saw this when i was very little. The only thing i remember is the worms coming out of the shower head and eating into a womans skin. I was scared of my shower head for months after seeing this movie! The only other movie that had this affect on me was Maximum Overdrive - i was scared to walk in front of trucks after that one. (and my dad was a truck driver!)



You're not the only one. Did you know that after Janet Leigh made "PSYCHO" in 1960, she admitted that she never took showers after that!

It's never a good idea to walk in front of trucks anyway- the driver may not be able to see you when starting up. But I know what you're saying. MAX OVERDRIVE was definitely creepy and left me feeling unsettled too. I hated that truck with the Green Goblin face and I cheered when they finally nailed it with that LAWS rocket. I was like "Yeah!"

Do you remember that scene where the diner waitress runs outside and angrily berates the M60 machine gun on the flatbed after it fired into the restaurant, yelling "We made you! We made you? Bad move.
