MovieChat Forums > Squirm (1976) Discussion > How old were Geri and Alma supposed to b...

How old were Geri and Alma supposed to be?

Is it just me or did the actresses they pick for Geri and Alma waaaay too old? Considering the girls still lived at home with their Mama I assume they were teenagers. Maybe Geri was supposed to be a young twenty-something but Alma really struck me as someone who acted like a 14 year old girl what with the primping with the makeup and the big clunky shoes and the smoking and coughing and just over-all juvenile behavior. If this movie is ever remade (and Lord knows it WILL be cuz everything else in nowadays!) I would suggest they cast a 14 year old to be Alma and a 20 year old to be Geri.

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Yeah,They Did Look Roughly 23 Years Old...


I just assumed they were in their twenties, and I took the juvenile behavior of Alma to just be an example of her personality. They struck me as the kind of Southern belle archetype, Tennessee Williams style— sheltered backwater girls who stick with the family until they're married off (hence why their mom was so hesitant about Mick coming to visit; he represented a way out for Geri).


The novelization makes it clear that Alma was 15, which makes her behavior in the film more than a bit questionable.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


There's a novelization?

My dear God.


Yes. It was published as a movie tie-in in 1978 and was written by Richard Curtis (who went on to greater fame as author of the novelization of Halloween).

You can find it easily enough in paperback on Amazon (

If you can't be bothered with reading, there's also a spoken word version on YouTube. 🔊

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.
