MovieChat Forums > Squirm (1976) Discussion > whats next killer snails?

whats next killer snails?

I know this was made in 76 but killer worms? hehe this was a pretty dumb idea if you ask me I never could get into movies like these such ass killer ants, killer ticks, its just too funny I don't see how this didnt make imdb bottom 100


Actually they did make a killer snail movie, "Slugs"! If you thought "Squirm" was bad, you should see that one. It's not even fun to laugh at.


To every1 on this thread:
You should check out the Killer Hamburger short film (Hambuster).
Pretty impressive, if you ask me.

Seek to understand, not judge.


thats pretty sad haha.


I don't know, Alfred Hitchcock made a movie out of killer birds that went over pretty well...Maybe we could just get all the killer birds to eat all the killer worms, and everyone would be happy :)

Besides, I don't want to insult anyones "killer critters" knowledge, but you're leaving out the best of them all. "Night of the Lepus" Thats right, killer bunnies!! This film is a bitch to find, so if you ever get a chance to see it,(or better yet, tape it) don't pass it up. The flaming, dead, stuffed bunny being "blown up" on the electrified railroad tracks (i.e., thrown in the air while set on fire) alone is worth the trouble to watch for this rare gem.

Also, there is a film out there, (late 70's I'm guessing) with killer bats. In fact, the lead charecter gets turned into a giant killer bat. This is all kind of stunning, considering they use Mexican fruit bats for the killer bats. Mexican fruit bats eat mainly mosquitoes and other small insects, so I'm guessing it would take a *beep* to kill a person...


The bat film you mention is The Bat People (1974) (AKA It Lives By Night)


I saw a movie about killer frogs once or twice. Now that was pretty stupid. You'd see people scared as hell when they see a frog. In one shot they'd be screaming and running or whatever and the next shot they are on the ground dead with frogs standing on them. You don't even get to see the frogs attacking people. You can tell they just have the people lay down while they place the frogs on top of them.


Or how about "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes"? Tomatoes rolling around killing people as they run and scream in terror . . .


The movie is called "Frogs". It should have been called "Reptiles", or "Stupid".


well like that other person said "slugs" was an actually movie. i remember seeing it as a kid. the one part had a slug in the middle of a lettuce head and the lady cut the head in half. and there was a slug all cut up and the music got all creepy. so lame. but i do find these kind of movies amusing. night of the lepus. heck i saw that as a kid too and that was really funny. i saw the one with the giant ants too. the frog one was the worst. my mom thought she'd be funny and buy something goofy for my boyfriend for xmas. here she bought frogs for $5.50 at walmart. we saw about 45 minutes of it and there were no frogs. we turned the stupid thing off and sold the movie. that one was worse than slugs. i saw a stupid one called they crawl with cockroaches but it was really lame. that movie was just out in 2003 or 2004. terrible. i cant really think of any other ones but out of all of these i think squirm and night of the lepus are the funniest. i never saw the bat one.

of all the things i miss, i miss my mind the most.


Slugs is pretty gross and some scenes even make up for the complete turd-like quality of all other aspects of the movie.

The resteraunt scene (bloody nose etc) and the bedroom scene in uncut form I saw on a bootleg redeem the film, just.

Wasn't it slugs where some kids go into the sewers and one kid gets slimed, actually I think thats the remake of 'The Blob' - now thats a good'un! Cheesy acting with some pizazz and killer snot - classic.

How I miss the 80s...

"Terror has no shape!"


Oh, 'The Swarm' is another dog of a movie with an insect theme, there's also a really good one by Dario Argento (though not one of his best), I think its called Phenomena (AKA Creepers in the UK) with that cute broad from 'Labrinth' - that film featuring Bowie with blow-dried mullet and muppets.


The Swarm is the the absolute worst.
Don't forget about The Monster That Challenged The World made in '57. It has giant sea snails or mollusks.


How about these ideas:

Attack of the killer lice.
Attack of the killer fleas.
Attack of the killer houseflies.
Attack of the killer gnats.
Attack of the killer butterflies.

I mean, if you're gonna have killer worms, why not have killer gnats?


Island of the Dead is about killer flies.


Killer Gnats! Classic.

How about;

'The Chafinch from Beyond the Grave"?

Moving the subject in a more ornithological direction.

Follow this link to see the new face of unspeakable horror if you dare...


I had a sparrow hit my bathroom window one time and then it perched on the windowsill glaring at me. It's beak looked really long and sharp, they could so some damage if they ever got it into their little bird brains.



For what it was, Slugs was pretty good. Definitely gory and disgusting.


this movie scared the *beep* outta me. It triggered my fear of worms. Some of the worms look fake, but the ones that don't make me want to throw up.


Yes, although a bit naff when I see it now it's one that stayed with me after watching it as a kid. The thought of worms burrowing under your skin like that...*shudder*. Put me off fishing for life...

I'm not worried now though, I have my Chaffinch from beyond the grave to protect me.



Been there - done that.

The Monster that Challenged The World (1957) was about a giant mutated snail.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."
