I'm sure this has been asked before...

I'm sorry if this is an annoyance, but can anyone tell me where I can purchase a DVD of this film? I remember seeing it when I was a little girl and I absolutely fell in love with it.

Any information would be much appreciated!


You gave me a glimpse of a real life


The fabulous DVD which was released by Image has been sadly-discontinued. You'll find copies on Ebay (at very high prices). In the UK, the DVD is still widely available though.


It was available from Amazon Canada (there DVDs are the same region as the US) last month, but I don't know if that's still true.

Maybe we should write Image. I only have a VHS copy, which is still great until my VHS goes off.


The DVD has been available for over six years now. It's simply being discontinued, but hopefully Image might want to re-release it later down the track. From all accounts it was one of their biggest sellers.


It can currently be ordered from ''Olive Films'' at a very reasonable price-but hurry!


Bought mine at HMV in UK for about £10. Have loved this film since I was a little girl and it's so nice to see that others feel the same way!!


I was going to buy the used dvd on Amazon.com for CAD$132.00. I just bought it at olivefilms.com for US$17.99. My pocketbook thanks you, my Christmas fund thanks you,(now I can get the Princess Buttercup cut of The Princess Bride), so my niece thanks you too. Appreciate the heads-up.


Magi--what's 'the Princess Buttercup cut'? I LOVE that film.

Carpe Noctem


hi rogerscorpion. The Princess Buttercup cut is the new release of The Princess Bride. It has two covers to chose from the Princess Buttercup Edition with a romantic picture of Westly and Buttercup, or the Dread Pirate Edition with Inigo Montoya on the cover. It also has a few new features not seen in previous releases, so well worth buying again for someone who LOVES the movie(as much as I do).


Not available in the UK now either, online or in the shops unless you are lucky enough to find a copy still on a shelf in a small shop somewhere. Looks like it may be due for a re-release which may herald a restoration job or additional extras.

For those who don't want to wait though, I saw an advert today that a free copy is being given away in the Daily Mail newspaper tomorrow (Saturday 2nd December), which will be a pressing of the now unavailable commercial release presented in a simple cardboard sleeve.


The Daily Mail gave it away on a free DVD today (December 2nd). I'm watching it now. :) Perhaps they'll have copies available if someone contacts them....?


Gee--Ethos. Do you think one of you guys could give the rest of us a clue as to where the Daily Mail is /how to reach it?
About the Buttercup/Inigo covers--I bought a copy of the film on DVD a few months ago & get annoyed everytime I look @ the cover, because it is NOT the original cover art. I LOVE the film & the original cover THAT much.

Carpe Noctem


Well, our "grandma" (my mother-in-law) just brought us the DVD version - given away FREE with the Daily Mail (a down-market English daily newspaper) this winter... It has no extra information and no extra features and IS a "musical" - I use the quotation marks very consciously as it is one of the worst musicals I've ever seen. I wanted to watch it as my American family quote from the Fairy Godmother often..and I wanted to see what it was all about. The songs, as far as I can see, just replicate and e l o n g a t e any terse line of dialogue you might care to name, making the film 3 times longer than would be agreeable.
Curiously, my husband insists he must have seen this as a child (he'd 've been 22 in 1976) and (remember his mother is here - she too insists...) it WASN'T A MUSICAL. I can easily imagine a MUCH better film with maybe one or two songs (just "Suddenly" and nothing else...?) But this IMDB website isn't providing enough information...???
Yes, the sets are wonderful. The cast is good, the concept is okay (could be fairly authentic Grimm - I thought the religious angle of the wedding scenes was a bit weird - surely genuine Fairy Tales are completely outside the Catholic system, predating it, etc.?)
Anyone have any more information???


Well, thanks very much for sucking all the fun out of a perfectly-wonderful movie.


You can say THAT again!


Here's the Daily Mail website:


Not sure if you'll have any luck with them though. A bunch of their copies of this film were on eBay last time I looked, if that helps? They're not in a proper box etc, I don't think, just a cardboard sleeve. :\

I got mine from HMV while they were still available, glad I did now as it was an impulse buy well worth it IMO. (I'd seen it before, but didn't have a copy at the time.)


People, people, people, for those of us stateside, OLIVEFILMS.COM. Except now you're going to have to pay US$26.95 plus $8.50s&h. I got mine 10 days after ordering it, in perfect condition, running at 143 minutes for those of you who wish to know if it really is the full version or the edited version released on vhs a few years ago. And yes it really was as sweet and wonderful as we all remember it to be.


i got my copy in the daily mail...they have the odd gem of a freebie...hurrah for newspaper freebies, i love them...hehehe

She walks in beauty like the night,
of cloudless climes and starry skies


i got mine in the daily mail too - until i got it (a friend of my dad's actually got it and thought i might enjoy it) i had never heard of it - and now im glad i have!! i love this film (watched it last night actually ...)

