It depends on where you live. If you live in UK you can get a daily mail verson for mildly cheap. Not sure about the quailty of that version, but everyone who has one seems happy with it.
If you live in the US your pretty much screwed. There are two different versions
The 2000 version, which has both a vhs and dvd option. It's the one with the white cover, and is usually an arm and a leg on e-bay since it has all the speical features (most of which I've uploaded to the satr youtube account. The only thing I didn't put up was the directors commentary.)
Then there's the 2006 (I think that was the release year). This is the one that looks like a fairy tale book with Cindi and Ed being surrounded by the sparkles. Despite common belief it IS a full version of the movie. No cut songs, scenes or anything else. The only difference is that it is only the movie without the speical features.
I check often and I can tell you that it isn't available through torrents, nor is it available on itunes or anything like that. I'm STILL trying to figure out who has the rights to the movie so that I can patition them to let me sell it on the website, but so far I haven't had much luck.
Good luck.