favourite quotes

The King (re the bride finding ball guests): "just make sure she has teeth! he hs an obsession aboout them having teeth!"

The deaf old Queen (during the wedding) "Is it over? What a relief!"


"Died, who's died?"

"has there been an uprising?"
"No, it's just the duke of montique."
"He's still alive? I thought we'd burried him!"

"Extrodanry. Not extrodanraily extrodanary mind you" (I really can't spell!)

"And in my happiness I forgive you all!"


"Forgive me?! How dare SHE forgive ME!!!"


''The staff has been dismissed. YOU are now the staff.


I always go by the brown parts for the land and the blue parts for the sea.
Who’s that?
First Lord of the Navy, sire.
We got a navy?
The royal barge on the lake.
Yes yes well remind me not to travel in it again.

I’ll invent a new tax, a tax on snobbery.
Brilliant Your Majesty, brilliant!
Don’t overdo it, don’t overdo it, you’ll be paying it too.

"I remember my first ball."
"Yes well we don't want to go into the realms of fantasy."

"The music, the candlelight, the swirling dresses, the perfume! The very atmosphere of love!"
"Put him on the retirement list."

I like these calm little moments before the storm.


How about –

If I went about my business all “sparkle and glitter”…because despite what they write about us in those children’s storybooks, it’s a most unbecoming costume for a grown woman..I’d never be able to tell the worthy from the unworthy!

"Samantha! You picked a lemon in the garden of love!"


"Oh, have I made a little faux-pas? I was so enjoying myself!..."

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


"We didn't quite catch the name."

"Well thats just it mother, none of us did."

"...most irregular."


The King: (to the Prince) ''Do as I did, when I took your mother-I closed my eyes and thought of Euphrania.''
