Newest version of the DVD out of print ALREADY?!?!?

I went to Amazon, figuring I wouild buy the newest release (the non-widescreen version released a year or so ago) for a good friend of mine. When I brought it up - I see "new and used" - $74.99!!!!!!!!

The widescreen dvd (which we know has been out of print for awhile) was "new and used" - #2.99 or something like that.

What gives? Why has this film suddenly become so elusive?!?

"Cut the ballet. It stinks anyway"


Because it was an independent film, and not owned by a studio, the rights belong to the producers-in this case, Bryan Forbes and David Frost. Therefore, whoever wants to release it, or use it in any way, must negotiate with them. That can be more difficult than just getting the rights to a Studio-Owned Production.Still, a year (give or take) is a strangely short time for a video company to release it. Image Entertainment had it for quite a few years (the ''Special Edition''.) and they also saw fit to reissue the Soundtrack Album. So, who knows why ''Trinity Home Entertainment'' lost it so soon.


Just received the ''Trinity'' dvd. The print used is the same as the ''Image'' release. Includes the complete British version (143 minutes). It's NOT widescreen (have that one, too) but quality is fine.


I want to know the same thing, pretty much. I've got a copy of the extended version (143 minutes) on VHS and wanted to get it on DVD but the prices are outrageous!!!!! Anybody know where I can get a good print for a reasonable price -- like $15-20????? Thanks!

"I'm not used to being happy. It's funny, it hurts." Janet Gaynor as Diane, 7th Heaven, 1927.


Why is this movie always so hard to find?


Either shell out for this DVD title and stop complaining that "It shouldn't go for such outrageous prices", or my ultimate favourite line from the simpletons out there (And there's no shortage of these sheep!)" I absolutely refuse to pay such expensive prices, I won't give into price gouging". Like someone is forcing them to give up their rent or mortgage funds to purchase this DVD. What a bunch of sickened individuals!


I bought it (like all my DVDS) when it was first released.These days, there is so much internet publicity about forthcoming DVD releases, there's no excuse for letting them escape your attention.Same goes for ''Disney Vault''titles.Get them while they are availabe, and you'll never have to pay ''inflated'' prices later.



Amen to that
