A question about the slipper

At the stroke of midnight Cinderella's outfit turns back into her regular clothes. I always wondered why the slipper remained. Shouldn't the slipper have disappeared? I guess if it had we wouldn't have a story.


My theory on that is that the reason the magic ended at midnight was because the fairy godmother put most of her magic into the shoes. They were important to her plan. One, they are a clue to Cinderella's identity. Two, they can only fit Cinderella so it needed ongoing magic to kept it from fitting anyone else. Finally, they have to stay strong and pristine even though it is made of glass. They shoe has to survive all those nasty feet being jammed and forced into it.


Yadda, yadda, yadda. It never makes sense.


... it would still have been attached to her body and thus disappeared with the fine clothes, coach and sterling white horses?

"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."


Yes, but it WASN'T. She left it behind. So.....


My personal theory has always been based on the statement of "Why not? I can borrow a bit until midnight." The dress, coach, so on were created with borrowed magic. The shoes were made with her magic, designed to be permanent.


My personal theory has always been based on the statement of "Why not? I can borrow a bit until midnight." The dress, coach, so on were created with borrowed magic. The shoes were made with her magic, designed to be permanent.
That is exactly how I have always seen it.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.
