The Meaning of the Rose
Does anyone out there know the meaning of the rose? I know that it has something to do with the rose petals falling, but I really have no clue what.
September 22
Okay, since no one has responded yet, I'm guessing that either no one knows, or I didn't include enough info. on what I'm asking.
So: Here it is again. The tital as we all know is The Slipper And The Rose, and it's very objious what the siller refers to, but the rose...? I am guessing that it has something to do with that scene where Cinderella has just been tole that she can't marry the prince, and she stands next to the vase of roses, and one rose loses a chunk of it's petals. Since Lousia May Alcott mentions something about that in Jo's Boys, I'm guess the meaning must go back a ways, but am I right? And what DOES it mean???