the best

john wayne was a fine actor.he made many many very good pictures.he is prob. the strongest personality to walk across the screen.the shootist was a great film,as was true grit and red river.the best picture that john wayne or for that matter,any other actor could ever make was 'the cowboys'this film had everything.great background music,great dialog,great story,great acting(by everyone).not only the best western ever made,but one of the best movies that has been made.wil anderson will always be,one of the finest roles that wayne or any other actor will do



Jeez, I don't know about The Cowboys being the best film John Wayne ever made. What about The Searchers? I think that was his finest hour, though there were many...including The Shootist. I just think the way Duke would have wanted to be remembered is in something by John Ford (or maybe Howard Hawks). The Searchers was his favorite film and Ethan Edwards his favorite character. While True Grit, The Cowboys, and The Shootist make a hell of a one-two-three "farewell" punch, their poignancy cannot be truly understood without seeing his amazing roles from 1939-1962.
