MovieChat Forums > The Shootist (1976) Discussion > To those who have read the book-

To those who have read the book-

Which gunfight do you think was better, the one in the book or the one in the movie?

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13


The book. Much more visceral. Siegel's workmanlike direction is something of a disappointment here. He did a good job (almost always did) but the book was calling out for the darkness of Sam Peckinpah.

I like pie.


I've never liked the comparison of books to movies. It's much easier to write a good book than it is to make a good movie.

A book reflects the work of one person, the author. Books also have the benefit of having more detail, and the reader's can forge their own interpretation of the events in the book through their imagination.

Movies reflect the work of many, many people and the events must fit into a two hour time slot.
