MovieChat Forums > The Shootist (1976) Discussion > Good John Wayne Send-off

Good John Wayne Send-off

"The Shootist", IMHO, was an awesome last movie for John Wayne...

The story eerily parallels his life, with the exception of the gunfight, of course.

J.B. Books came to Carson City to see a trusted MD, Doc Hostetler, for a second-opinion...his diagnosis confirmed he had a cancer. Books was determined to just live out his days, but as the agony of the cancer ate at his body, Hostetler planted the seed of the "final shootout" in Books, and from there we have the days leading up to the end. We see Books resolving some issues in his life, and basically enjoying himself, getting to know Ms. Rogers and her son, Gillom.

I enjoyed how the movie was such a departure from the other "larger-than-life" John Wayne movies...Sure, when he bested the thief at the beginning he gave us that impression, but then as the movie set in we got to see John Wayne act some of his best material...

This may not be the quintessential John Wayne movie (i.e. "The Searchers") but it revealed a different side of the "Duke" and was an excellent conclusion to a brilliant career.


I have never rated John Wayne much as an actor. I have enjoyed some of his films but rarely enjoyed his performances. However, he was perfect in this film. There was a subtlety to his acting and an understated quality absent in other performances. I thought the film itself was good rather than great but 10/10 to Wayne for his performance.


This is, without a doubt, the most fitting film finale for one of the great Hollywood icons. That he eventually really did surrender to cancer only makes it that much more poignant. He may not have been a great actor, but he was always good in the roles he took, especially oaters.

I even named my Labrador "Dog" in honor of The Duke's mutt in "Big Jake".



I totally agree. He brings complete dignity and depth to a role which must have painfully reflected the realities of his own life. My appreciation: siegel.html


I have always felt this was one of his 2 finest performances, along with The Quiet Man....Unlike a lot of actors he was not afraid to work across from strong actresses in his film, and usually did his best work when he acted with one....

It is not our abilities that show who we truly is our choices


I agree with the analysis that the film was good but not quite great but the Duke was great in it
