Favorite Minor Character

Not including the main supporting roles played by Cheif Dan George and John Vernon, just wanted to hear what some of your favorite minor performances were in the film?

My favorite minor roles are Sim Carstairs: the ferry scene is so realistic one almost forgets they are watching a movie, or the duo of Yoke and Al, the slimy traders at the post that Wales executes the border role on, some great dialogue in that scene. The best is when Al I think it is spits the whisky out and tells Zukie "This is what you give those Indians, now where's the real stuff." That weasle Limmer tried to pawn his rot-gut whisky off on the wrong fella lol.



Definitely. Sampson's brief scene was the movie's highpoint for me.

"That's what the elves call Justice of the Unicorn!"


Abe is my favorite because I interviewed Len Lesser, the actor who played ABE! Here is part of the interview; http://cinemadave.livejournal.com/283111.html


thanks for the interview. Hollywood lost two great character actors from TOJW in 2011, Len Lesser and Bill McKinney.

"only one food for the rest of my life? That's easy, cherry-flavored Pez. No question about it."


I was a fan of the old TV series Lawman, so even though his screen time was very limited, I enjoyed John Russell as Bloody Bill Anderson.

"Name's Anderson. Bloody Bill's what they call me.
You'll find 'em up in Kansas. They're with the the Union, and we're goin' up there and set things right."

Just hearing him speak those lines, made ya want to be going with him too, just like Josey did.
Russell had that ideal western cowboy voice back before Sam Elliott took over that designation.



Mine are Ten Bears and the dog


I agree, the dog was a hoot. I love it when Wales spits at the dog when it tries to sing along with the hymn.

Will Sampson was an excellent, dignified and intelligent chief. Don't know about his pot belly, though! I guess the chief gets first dibs on the choice cuts at dinner.

I also enjoyed the ferry boat guy and the trading post proprietor. Both grannies were also good.


I like the bartender. He just gets so damn happy when Josey brings in the whiskey he got from the Commnacheros. Later on at the ranch, he is just clinging to that bottle for dear life.

Guts: The magazine for real men.


The hooker in the saloon at the run down silver town.
