Giraffes run away, Monkeys try to attack
When they see evil.
Good to know.
Giraffes are prey, baboons are predators.
I know they were trying to make it scary but this was silly.
shareAgreed. Totally silly. Where is it written that baboons will attack the Antichrist, or for that matter, that dogs will be his servants, acolytes, and protectors? If worldly lower creatures can recognize the Antichrist, why are they not constantly attacking him? If Damien is the child of Satan, was that Satan, then, inside the dog that copulated with a human woman to impregnate her with the Antichrist? So the dog was... possessed by Satan? All very silly, but eminently, thoroughly entertaining. It's clear the film was manufactured out of a series of eschatological tropes, not necessarily connected with Christianity, or Christian concepts of End Times, or Armageddon. The purpose is to create a miasma of detail, along with every creepy, gory, silly trope that can be presented within a single film, including an impaled Patrick Troughton, and David Warner's head on a sheet of glass. What about the title of the film itself, which is a misnomer: there is no omen, rather, a (fictitious) prophecy that only forms the backstory of the narrative, and really has little to do with the story itself. The film is about a switcheroo between a powerful American statesman's child and this one, and his protectors' battle with forces that oppose him on earth, even as his adoptive father slowly comes to learn his son isn't who he thinks he is. It's 1979, I suppose they could have called it 'The Changeling', or maybe that one was taken already.
shareCerberus the hound of Hades guards the gates of Hell. That's what they are alluding to with dogs.
shareIf you're part of today's generation that are breed on horror movies with a gratuitous amount of gore and jump scares, then this movie won't be for you