The King of Comedy vs. Network
What did you think was better and why?
shareThe King Of Comedy is funnier, Network cuts deeper, has a broader scope, is more emotionally complex. Both excellent films; 8/10 vs 9/10.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
King of Comedy. It didn't yell at me for two hours. It was full of subtlety. Network was one unsubtle movie. I loved Network like crazy when I was young. The older I get, the less I like it. I feel the opposite about King of Comedy.
shareNetwork. It's been a while since I've seen The King of Comedy but I remember it being a bit more thematically muddled than Network, which has a razor sharp clarity of focus. Also rightly or wrongly Rupert Pupkin is a protagonist I just can't enjoy because he's so damn irritating. It's a brilliant performance by De Niro and I'm quite sure that quality of it is intentional, but I can't see watching it regularly as I do with Network.
shareNetwork by a hair. The King of Comedy is one of the best Scorsese/DeNiro collaborations, right up there with Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. So awkward/funny.
Both are 10/10s for me, but Network is just so well written! I mean, Paddy's monologues, though preachy, are so pointed and exhilarating. Call it unsubtle; I call it cinema. This is terrific stuff.
You have fiddled with the tribal drums of nature! And YOU... PLAY... TROMBONE!
I enjoyed The King of comedy more!
shareI prefer Network.
I was about to watch King of Comedy for the first time in years the other day. It was cued up and ready.
Now, about ten minutes in, I got a message that was fairly important, and required prompt attention. I shut it off and subsequently forgot to go back to it.
If I'd received the call ten minutes into Network, I probably would've put off what needed doing, which should illustrate the power that film has over me.
I don't deny that The King of Comedy has always kind of baffled me, and I've avoided revisiting it in part because so many admirers of Scorsese have such a high opinion of it (one that I don't remember sharing); maybe this thread is the gentle nudging I needed.
Just out of interest, OP, what makes you put the two side by side?