Sad fact


First, sorry for my bad english!

I just saw that a few actors of this movie died at a young age, and nearly at the same time (early and mid 80s).

Peter Sellers, July 1980 (4 years after this film), Age: 54

David Niven, July 1983 (7 years after this film)

Truman Capote, August 1984 (8 years after this film), Age: 59

Elsa Lanchester, December 1986 (10 years after this film)

James Coco, February 1987 (11 years after this film), Age: 56


Elsa Lanchester was 84 when she died. David Niven was 73. That's not young.


That´s right, that is why I left their age out.


Ok. Your post was misleading saying that these actors died young, kind of implying that there was something mysterious about it.

Thanks for clarifying.


73 isn't terribly old in 2013.


As a 62 year old, I couldn't agree more


I agree!!


Almost all of the actors in this movie are now dead. Considering that this movie was made about 38 years ago it's to be expected. Still it's sad because of the fine actors who have passed.


I noticed that many dies within a few years and kind of young in many too, it is a little interesting. It is ironic that many of the actors in "And Then There Were None", the oldest and best version of the film from 1945, who were young during the film lived a long time, into the 90's in a few cases.


has passed on she died last Sunday and we are on Tuesday now


Let's not forget that Estelle Winwood died when she was 101.

I am sorry to hear about Eileen Brennan's passing though; I watched this and 'The Cheap Detective' in the last few days not knowing; she was great in both as she was as Mrs Peacock in the classic 'Clue', amongst other works.

"The game's afoot!"


Of the 13 characters in the movie, I guess only two are left now.


3 Remain.


blktoptrvl: "3 Remain."

You're right. I forgot Dame Maggie Smith. Go figure.


Yes 3 remain:
James Cromwell
Maggie Smith
Richard Narita


Well your right and your wrong..
Some died soon afterwards but others died later..
It's not like they got something you wont get.. you'll get yours...
Some died on purpose others just because...
To die young sucks but well.. it sucks when you're old also...
To die to sleep perchance to dream.. Oh, oh.. there's the rub.. so..
The 80's were a difficult decade for many people..

I sleep now..


Nick Charles (niven): Has anyone seen a white... Wang?
Sidney Wang: A white wang?

Great movie.


you're GN

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008
