new article on massacre

Wanted to share this with you

I was interviewed for a web based film magazine called horroryearbook. com
about my role as Rodney in MAssacre at Central High
you can read the interview at:

http://www. horroryearbook. com/543233/interview-rex-sikes-massacre-at-central-high#more-3233

I'd love to hear what you think about it.


That was real well done! Very insightful into the making of the film, as well as what it was like to be a working actor during that period. The biggest surprise to me was that a stuntman instead of a mannequin actually subbed for Jeffrey Winner in the "Locker of Death" scene! I would like to know what happened to Dennis Kort; a while back, I saw him give a very fine performance in an episode of M*A*S*H.


Thanks - I don't know whatever happened to Dennis - a likable guy. Yes Danny Rogers was tethered to what was called "jerk off belt" (I am not kidding out that name) - which was attached to him by harness and had pulleys designed to pull him away from the exploding locker - like when you see people knocked backwards from a shotgun blast ---- they are pulled backwards.

during the test run the explosion which was gas tanks behind a fake set of lockers only popped. SO they turned it up - while we were preparing for the next shot you could hear the hiss of the gas. Logan and I were in the scene but it was then realized our clothing wardrobe put us in didn't match the polaroid for the day it was supposed to be so we were cleared out. we were both dating some of the extras who were walking through the scene. Renee called action and a hugh explosion blew out the lights - smoke filled the corridor - we rushed toward danny and our extra girlfriends - danny had been singed I believe from the blast flames and briefly knocked out upon hitting the wall. The girls were okay - took some time to clear the smoke etc. BUT that is why it goes to dark in the movie - IT really went to dark. It was momentarily quite frightening...

Anyway hope this helps further explain and thanks so much for the kind words!
Rex Steven SIkes


I always thought that was one of the most haunting shots in the film, and wondered how they pulled it off. So it turns out it was an accident! Was that Tom who runs into the smoke?


I'd have to see it again. Both he and I were standing close by - off camera right - I believe- at some point - we both ran toward the girls we were seeing - but I don't recall for certain when. Soon after the explosion for sure but I don't think the camera was rolling when we went in - but then I don't know how much additional footage was run and whether he was captured on film. Sorry I gotta see it ...

I don't think it was him but I just can't say...

Perhaps, I can watch it sometime and get back to you on it. It was quite spooky for a short time - we really didn't know if anyone had been seriously hurt or worse in those first few moments.


This clip features the scene:

Whoever it is that runs into the smoke seems to run in from camera LEFT, so I don't think it's Tom then, if you're correct. Maybe it was a crew member running to Rogers; he's carrying what always looked like books to me, but upon closer viewing, looks more like a box-a first-aid kit, maybe?


Actually I think I mis- stated - we were on camera left. However, tat does not mean it was TL . But as I recall we were to left of camera. I still have to look at it. I am now curious too - thanks
