One Of My Favorites.
I'm not completely tasteless. My Top-Ten Favorite Films of all time include "Ben Hur," "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly," "The Maltese Falcon," and so-on. Also in my Top Ten, and probably in the Top Five, is the movie "Massacre At Central High". I'm not sure why. -Actually I am, but I don't want to go into it right now, in anything like real depth.
I think, though, that the movie speaks to me, a little more than it does to most people. For one thing, my real name isn't Terence, it's David. Just like Derrel Maury, in this film. For another thing, the movie was popular on HBO, back in my high school days, and I actually listened to the audio, when I could get away with it, in study hall. -On micro cassette, through a single earphone. Recorded it myself. Can you believe that? True.
I love this movie. I've seen it dozens of times, but the last time was a dozen years ago. Part of me is looking forward to a DVD release. The other part just wants an old VHS copy. -I think that's the biggest part.
Goodnight, everyone. God bless you all.