Am I the only one who thought this movie blew?
Though the film had a low budget, it was horrible. The deaths(with exception to the diving in an empty pool though it was blatantly obvious) were all stupid and lame. The acting started out good but slowly plummitted. It was like watching a low budget porno with all the pointless nudeity. The kid had a *beep* car dropped on his leg, yet could manage killing 10 people let alone walking.
What bugged me a lot was that like 8 or 9 people were killed, yet no one was like "Oh my god!!! He's dead!"..they were like "woah...he's dead..? Weird" I mean it takes place in a highschool, where again 8 or 9 students were killed and a few of them were IN SCHOOl, and yet you don't see one teacher or principal. Not even a cop until the last 2 minutes of the movie. This town treats a murder like it happens all the time. LAME.
I thought it was horrible.