Kimberly Beck

I remember watching this movie on cable back in the late 70's or early 80's and the only thing that I remember from the whole movie is the beautiful Kimberly Beck's full frontal nudity scenes on the beach. YOWZA!!!!!

I'd love to see this movie again....I've looked for it on DVD, but no luck.


I loved Kimberly Beck in this film, she is so so soo HOT, what a BODY and Face. BOOYAH!!!


Kimberly is a true beauty of a woman: sweet, innocent, caring, and a pretty good actress. What makes this movie exciting is she portrays a positive, straight shooting high schooler looking out for her friends when the trouble starts, and she ends up getting totally naked in the waves and on the beach (double treat). What a body! She is the reason this is one of my favorite movies.


Kimberly Beck's eye-popping skinny-dipping scene is without a doubt one of the definite highlights of this film; she's a total smokin' hottie!

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


You guys are not being effusive enough. Kimberley is completely torrid in every scene. She has pure female oozing from every pore of her body.

No wonder it took Hilton $$ to lock that down. He has more money than everyone who has ever posted on this board - or will ever post on this board until the end of time - combined!


She and Nancy Allen from CARRIE are two of the most memorable women in films from the '70s. They were both gorgeous and very talented actresses. I liked Teresa in MACH because she was smart and savvy enough to see through what most of the kids didn't or couldn't.


very good synopsis of Teresa


I'll always think of her as Trish from Friday 4.
