remake running again

its actually the 2nd remake as LG already been remade with the tv show in ''77..can you believe that they actually rebooted the movie only a year later!! why not just continue the story outside the dome (like the comic did) or better still just do a sequel movie!! (read somewhere that the series cost the same as the movie!) oh wait no it'd be the 3rd remake (The Island)


If I ran the world, or Hollywood, I wouldn't greenlight a remake. The original caputred the zeitgeist of the sixties and early seventies, the "generation gap" era when the young really did want to take over the world, and it looked like they might succeed.

There's no equivalent in modern culture, young people are overly attached to their parents if anything. This story just won't play in a world where young people are telling their parents to take over the world for them.


Attached to their parents?

Don't you mean attached to their phones? They're not interested in taking over the world because it would require them to momentarily set their phones down, or at the very least, look up from their screens.


Good point, which is why I'd fund a movie about cell phones taking over the world before I'd fund something about today's young people taking over the world.

But yeah, when it comes to the real world, well, young adults are bringing their mothers to job interviews, they're that uneasy with meatspace.
