No blacks in the future?
It really is a utopia!
After several hundred years in a small community most people would be related, and the society homogenous. Any unusual ethnic or other characteristics would be bred out.
-- no blacks,
-- no Hispanics,
-- no Asians,
-- no Jews,
-- no Middle Easterners,
only White Anglo-Saxons.
That might be considered a utopia -- for bigots.
Observations are relative to the observer.
— Albert Einstein
We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are.
— Anaïs Nin
"Judging a person does not define who they are...share
It defines who YOU are."
— author unknown
Exactly Frumious..
What's even worse, the social and cultural makeup these bigots call "Utopia" - would only be a bunch of inbred rednecks. Well, you don't have to look to the future to see that!
Just go to the nearest NASCAR race track, Walmart, or a drunken stadium of wasted trailer trash to watch a base ball game - and there's your Utopia.
Whoopee!! and not for the faint of heart, let me tell ya!
Front butts, beer guts, no as**, sloping foreheads, moobs, pudgy fingers, bad acne, bad teeth, pasty complexions, low slung jaws, beady eyes, greasy hair, triple chins, red neck accent, uneducated, and those baseball hats..
A total contrast to the hand picked, well-groomed, professional models they used which were the top echelon at the time. The director didn't just go out and pick up any average "white person" off the street. They never would have made the cut.
A redneck like these guys that posted believe that when a girl is out their "league" - it just means she bowls on a different night of the week than they do.
Just go to the nearest NASCAR race track, Walmart, or a drunken stadium of wasted trailer trash to watch a base ball game - and there's your Utopia.So YOUR idea of utopia is say...Latin America or Africa? I think I'll take my chances Walmart or NASCAR.
Do you realize that in many Asian countries that make movies that there are no whites, blacks or Hispanics in their movies? Only Asians.
The same can be said in Hispanic countries that make movies, there are no blacks, whites or Asians. Only Hispanics.
In the Middle East, they make movies and many times there are no Asians, blacks, Hispanics or white people in their movies. Only Middle Easterners.
And in African countries that make movies, the cast are only blacks. No whites, Hispanics or Asians.
How come only whites seem to be racists and bigots to you?
Maybe that's because it's YOU who is the racist and/or bigot.
That theory would be fine if they were in northern Europe not the usa.
which has always been a melting pot.
I still like the movie.
I still like soylent green eventhough there's 4 black people in that movie and the world population is 40,000,000,000 +.
I like the time machine eventhough the future looks like Hitler's heaven.
We are the music makers...we are the dreamer of dreams.Willy Wonka
There will most likely be some in a remake.
shareYes, a utopia for bigots.
No fat people there, either. Guess all that running burns calories :-)