Not gonna happen

I spent a career in the US Navy. Most of my junior time I was at sea. This included from time to time having to work on the in port "Emergency response team". Emergencies included fighting fires and flooding. There were multiple times where it took many people to close one of those (if they could at all).

The scene where Logan manages to close the massive hatch with water pouring through it leave too much to the imagination. The pressure cause by the weight of the water would make it impossible to close that hatch. ARNOLD couldn't close that hatch by himself let alone a much smaller man that had never been exposed to physical exertion doing it no matter how desperate he was.

I fully understand that we suspend imagination for movies like this and the opportunity did give Logan and Jessica a chance to avoid Francis for at least a little while.

It's simply a matter of physics though.


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 96 more days left!


That's not the half of it. In the book, they were deep under the ocean in that part, and the pressure would have been instantly bone crushing. Obviously, that would have been impossible to film, so they lightened it up, but that is what THAT section of the city was supposed to represent: a power and food facility deep under the ocean, so it should have INSTANTLY flooded and crushed them both. But, I guess in the movie it was justfish tanks or something not as pressurised.


I've been looking for the book (by William F Nolan) to see how much it differs from the movie and am far too cheap to go to a big outlet/retail/amazon store to order one. I have searched all the used book stores in town and can't find it. I will eventually.


America is FINALLY getting a REAL President!
GOODBYE O'CommieCare in 63 more days!!!


Or … the internet.

$9.37 delivered.


Excuse me, but the current President's name is Barack Obama. And yes, he is part Irish (on his mother's side of the family).

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


His name is "Barrack Hussein Obama" That surely is a long standing "Irish" name.  How many generations has that been passed down in the Emerald Isle?

His father bolted on his mother shortly after he was born and went back to Kenya to help his tribe fight colonialization in Eastern Africa. His mother subsequently died and he was left to be raised by his grandparents on Hawaii.

From that point on his "adult role model" during his formative teen age years was Frank Marshall Davis. A self proclaimed "COMMUNIST". (You can either look him up or you can actually find it in O'Commie's book, "Dreams From my Father" if you want to waste a good deal of money reading his garbage.

This "Money Boy" will keep on laughing long after he's gone in 33 days (but who's counting? Besides way over half the people in the country.)

Just a short question. What the hell does this have to do with a mistake in the movie "Logan's Run"? Anybody besides me sensing a troll here? Considering most of mariakelly-04164's posts are regarding "Star Trek" and "James Bond" threads.


America is FINALLY getting a REAL President!
GOODBYE O'CommieCare 33 more days!!!


Thank you for sharing. Have a nice day.


It's a movie, dude.




His account is dead - he can’t hear you.


That WAS hilarious.

Just saw it last night and marveled —again — at H’wood’s complete lack of respect for reality, including all laws. Physics being just one.
