Coming to Blu-ray May 10, 2016.
"The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane" will be released on Blu-ray by Kino Lorber on May 10, 2016.
share"The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane" will be released on Blu-ray by Kino Lorber on May 10, 2016.
shareIs that for Region 1 release? It's already been released in Italy and the UK.
shareThe laserdisc is pretty expensive, for those of us who still, you know...have a lasterdisc player.
sharePurchased me the LD copy some years ago but as you said, got no player so far lol. So it's more a collectible. Unlike the Chopin piano concerto or the Hebrew language course records I listen to daily. :)
shareI just hang around all day filling jelly jars and avoiding dodgy neighbors.
Owning that disc is somewhere along the lines of driving Hallet's Bentley. I've found a few good movies on LD, but it's honestly not going so hot. It's a longshot, but if you really, really want a nice player for short money, I'd unload mine for the same price that I got it for ($65.00), plus shipping. I know you're a fan (understatement) of the movie and it seems a shame you can't watch it on that format. Fire me off a PM if you're interested, and I'd fully understand if you're not.
Take care-
That's a really cool offer, thank you. And I certainly would make the deal if I'd never enjoyed Laserdisc. Because for TLG alone it doesn't seem necessary. Unless one wants to find out it's just the same old badly cut US Vestron VHS tape version without Cali tan lines and Mary f* Poppins...which is already in the collection like any release/media/country which has a certain something about it. 16mm copy slowly dies from unstoppable color fading though, sucks. Smoke signal if you come across 35mm.
LD, are they really rare? Right now eb y has one for 30 another for 300, whatever that means. Don't think I paid more than 50. Prices for the Japan vinyl soundtrack vary likewise. What is funny because the most rare music in reality doesn't seem that strange album but one of the 7" (not widely known that theme music was a small hit in Japan back then, so they released some varieties)
That's no problem at all, I totally see your logic. I wasn't sure if you had movies with a dead player (in your cellar, I'd imagine) or just the one movie.
I prefer to deal locally, so I didn't really warrant the need for one by going to ebay. It was more that I was tooling around on Craigslist one day and a guy my age in the next town over had two people bail on the deal and was lucky #3. I got the player and 17 movies for $65.00. Most were Disney and Westerns, but I did keep Birdy and Raising Arizona. Others were selling the same kind of deal (player & movies) for $200+. I've since been able to find some of my favorites on disc at local used and/or vintage record stores and there's a small-but-friendly community on Facebook. So rare? Hard to say. More like they're out there, nobody makes them anymore so what's out there is out there and that's all that's left.
I'd be willing to bet your LD is a standard format, not that far removed from the TV version. I remember finally taping it off the Morning Chills series on cable around 1992 on a multigeneration vhs that just looked awful. Then I got the DVD so many years later and was blow away by the sound quality. Our local theater group does a Halloween themed show every year and I'm always lobbying them to have them preform this movie. Hell, the Young Company did Carrie, why not The Little Girl?
>>I'd be willing to bet your LD is a standard format<<
I don't know. Here's a quick pic of the label, maybe it's helpful.
As for the sound, the plain mono track is not bad and I think it was the DVD you could first time hear that quiet little something the boom mic taped. Which I tend to identify as stomach growling, coming from Foster when she sits on the couch talking to Miglioriti. It's kind of obscure like that strange dog barking sound in the scene she goes back home filmed on Israel's Head Rd in Ogunquit. Interestingly the Blu-rays don't offer that much more additional audio information, but it's still worth just to listen with a good headphone (more details on future TLG site)
You really should keep lobbying because the world certainly saw enough Bugsy Malone school plays...TLG on the other hand, originating from a play, is something for young and old people audiences :)
Vestron Video, I love it! Some of the best '80's trash came from them. I'd say that was pretty standard format as most later discs would say Lettebox or Widescreen. Still a treasure, though! Almost as cool as my LGWLDTL skateboard.
The first thing I noticed on the sound was the rain just outside Rynn's porch, bringing me back to summers in Wells Beach, Maine. But just seeing the entire movie in proper ratio, cleaned up and perfect was good enough for me. I was reminded of a rare print of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre that my daughter gave me around 2010 (and I promptly lost). I should tell you how I slipped a LG reference in her name without my wife finding out before it was too late.
I honestly thought The Stoneham Theater was kidding when they told me Carrie was on the roster, performed by the 5th Grade set, no less. But they pulled it off, God love 'em. The downside is that most of the Board has never heard of LG and it sounds a little lurid when breaking down the key plot. I'll keep plugging away, though, they still owe me for a corporate donation.
Tell them Jodie Foster got her first real award ever for it! The 1978 Saturn. And competition was pretty hard, among others she won against Carrie Fisher/Star Wars and Julie Christie for Demon Seed(!)
shareThe also did Tommy. I remember asking an older woman about "The Who's Tommy" and she's like "Who? Who is Tommy?"
My quick naming story: The movie obviously stuck with me from a young age and my daughter was due in September of '93. The downside was Rynn Rindone was a nightmare to say out loud. My wife picked Sara and I got the choose her middle name (with the caveat being I got to name my future son). I went with Emily, as that (as I'm sure you know) was Rynn's favorite poet. On September 8th, 1993, Sara Emily Rindone was born. When the doctor asked where we got the middle name, my wife said it was due to Hurricane Emily, which had blown into town during delivery. I just nodded, smiling.
Shawn David Rindone was born on June 1st, 1995, happily named after WWF Superstar Shawn Michaels.
Don't want to encourage you telling more private stuff here in public but I wonder if you had a plan b, I mean in case it would have been a boy...Doesn't Mario Rindone sound totally awesome? :)
Ok, I bought property just because the house was really down the lane...
By the way, not long ago the house right across 87 St Paul was on sale. I wrote the (local) realtor and made some fun it's neighbour to a famous film house and so on and to my surprize* she was totally aware of TLG and the filming locations. So I didn't have much to explain and just said she might give me a hint whenever Mr and Ms from across the street want to sale Rynn's home. That woman was one of the nicest and most helpful people I ever met in 6+ years research in the Montreal and Townships area.
* Meanwhile I did find few people who are still alive and remember the filming, some even were involved and had small extra roles.
God, yeah, could he sound more Italian? Tony Rindone, anyone? In true "Wop" tradition, I'm rarely without a knife. I'd kill to see some of the filming locations, you're really lucky. I've been to Wells and Wells Harbor in the off season and could easily imagine what was going on so many of the houses down the lane - and what's in their cellars. I always say I'm going to drive out to Great Barrington, MA to check out the scenes of Pretty Poison (a late 60's Anthony Perkins flick)
Actually, you probably know this...but is there a version of the Chopin tune from the movie on youtube? It's more electronic based, right?
Dave and his Cane
Soundtrack playlist...
Gaubert is a funk guy, obviously. His other film music includes huge blockbusters like "Sex O'Clock USA" ...Some years ago I decided not to like him, personally, not his music. Because I wrote him, various labels, companies, right owners several times and never heard back. Maybe typical French don't reply English written letters and requests. Sorry for the prejudice. In fact that French-Canadian guy from the company who released the CD recently also gets a 'not nice' rating but that's a different story. CD is ok and crackle free, the digital master(s) was made already long ago and collecting dust and like many stuff rights are held by some huge multi global player who do nothing but trading with rights. So in principle if you got the money you could release your own TLG soundtrack. I'm not a huge analogue fan, ain't got super expensive turntable. A like new vintage Technics 1210 with their EPC205 cartridge. But still prefer the vinyl. Might be I just found a good copy that wasn't played much.
PS This is the Arrau/Inbal/Chopin recording used for the film, only different cover/release.
That's awesome, man! Thanks so much!
shareThe Italian disc is without any specials. The UK Blu-ray from Signal One has an audio commentary by some guys who obviously could access old API archives for some backgroud info (which is not totally correct though) but better than nothing if you are a TLG newbie.
The Kino Lorber release is something else. The makers (Scorpion Releasing) interviewed Martin Sheen and even better TLG's great director Nicolas Gessner. Who I know really enjoys talking the little cult classic he created. That's quite an achievement and I take my hat off to them. I can only speculate there was no budget for asking Ms Foster for an interview, would have been xmas.
All Blu-rays are based on the same scan MGMHD airs on their cable tv for some years now. It's not bad at all, I guess they were lucky enough to find a decent film master. Yet this is standard procedure and nobody spends tons of time and money for making the perfect transfer like Sony's full 4K workflow scan of Taxi Driver (and approved by Scorsese himself) Sadly nothing you can expect for such a small movie.
I ended up Ebay'ing my LD player to a guy in Indiana, effectively ending my month-long foray in the medium. Plus I broke even, so nothing ventured nothing gained. I did get a ble ray to start the collection going and I'm sure I'll seek out our favorite movie.
shareI was wondering if the Blue-ray version has some bonus material (interviews with Martin Sheen or Scott Jacoby or possibly Foster)?
We use DVD players so far, but in case a TLGWLDTL Blue-ray version with plenty of bonus material would be released, it would be reason enough for us to finally purchase a Blue-ray player.
I remember reading the book in high school and seeing the movie later.
According to Amazon it has:
Special Features:
-On Camera Interview with Star Martin Sheen
-Audio Commentary with Director Nicolas Gessner
-Conversation with Martin Sheen and Nicolas Gessner
-Original Trailer
-Reversible Artwork
Thank you, Bugis.