Hooray for the DVD!

Glad the DVD is out in March 2005! This long awaited & very rare horror classic will be available at last. Peter Cushing was at his most sinister, & hardly did any more horror after this film, 'The Devil's Men'.

Any interested people please e-mail me: [email protected]


Yeah, I just bought the DVD for only eight bucks with a five dollar coupon at a local mom'n'pop retail outlet. It's a pretty good widescreen (!) presentation that's on a two-sided flipper disc doublebilled with the immensely enjoyable '78 British horror gore item "Terror." The casting of both Donald Pleasence and Peter Cushing as adversaries is a nice idea, but alas it's let down by bland direction, a sluggish pace, a crucial lack of both tension and spooky atmosphere, and a restrictive PG rating which puts the kibosh on any gratuitous nudity and hardcore graphic violence. It's a strictly so-so timewaster and nothing more.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


I'll have to check, I think the version I have is 15 rated. There certainly is a bit of nudity in it. Most notably Milo's scene in New York near the beginning, featuring a very nekkid and very lovely Jane Lyle of Island of Death infamy.

Agree with you otherwise though. The film looks great, promises loads but simply refuses to go anywhere.



Is this really rated PG? The print I saw had some full nudity at the beginning and one brief sex scene. I think the difference may be that I saw the version called The Devil's Men, which may be uncut, and the version called Land of the Minotaur is possibly the cut one? In any case, I thought it pretty much sucked and is a big waste of time/talent.


I think you're probably right, capkronos. I've never seen the "Devil's Men" version, but "Land of the Minotaur" seems to jump away from any glimpse of breast very quickly and awkwardly (not just in the scene with Jane Lyle answering the phone, but also when Nikos Verlekis and Bob Behling stumble upon the nude sacrificial victims in the cave).


Waaaa! I have this on at least 3 Mill Creek comps, and finally put it on while I was working. Work ground to a halt when the two female leads strolled on screen in shorts up to their shoulder blades.Yikes!I checked to see what the rating was in anticipation of getting to know these 2 young ladies better, when "bam"...."PG" right between the eyes! What a let down.Primo short shorts action though. Guess I'll have to keep an eye out for "The Devil's Men".


The Scorpion Releasing DVD offers the uncut version under the title The Devil's Men.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
