The End

One of the images that's managed to stay with me is the ending to this film. It's absolutely haunting. That image of a distraught Dwan being drowned by flash photography as a bewildered Jack watches as she she cries out to him. It's almost as if he's thinking, "There's the fame you wanted." It's such a powerful ending with the camera pulling back and the music. I still get goosebumps watching it.

"I wish I wasn't afraid all the time, but I am."
-V for Vendetta



Yes I agree. And the score adds that extra oomph.


I really appreciate the ending to the '76 King Kong the way you described it. Instead of just regurgitating the classic haunting line of the original "It was beauty that killed the beast" like they did for the 2005 remake. Kong '76 went for its own ending that left an impression that was just as sad and haunting as the original film, and it worked very, very well.

The ending to King Kong '76 was very similar the ending of "A Star is Born". Except, at the end of the '76 version of Kong, we have a far deeper sense of tragic loss for the emerging starlet Dwan as a result of having her dreams of fame and fortune realized at the end.

Something that you don't ever really experience at the end of any 3 version of "A Star is Born". Just a sense of sorrow for the men, who are destined to be has-bin's by the end, which is immediately accompanied by a sense of joyous relief that Judy Garland and/or Janet Gaynor managed to finally get the recognition that they longed deserved but, were denied by the toxic nature of their relationships with their male soul mates.

Coincidentally, the remake of the classic 1933 King Kong, and the 2nd remake of "A Star is Born" were released on the exact same day in 1976.


very well said! Thanks!
