1978 Version is NOT a trimmed own version of the original
Cassevetes hated the first version, he said he was RUSHED into making it, and was not proud of it and it bombed, and he took time and only wanted people to see the 1978 version which isn't a cut-down version of the original, rather it's a DIFFERENT VERSION, as in, it has MANY SCENES that aren't in the original version, the original which is called the LONGER VERSION, which is true, technically, but is also misleading, because in most cases when you have a shorter version it means it's been edited from the master, which in fact the 1978 version is NOT a trimmed down original but rather a totally different, more coherant and an overall better film...
And, it's the only one that the director wanted shown after being RUSHED into making the first one, which is longer only because it wasn't edited the way it should have been.
That's not my opinion, it's the opinion of the late great JC.