the girl on the couch

early in the movie, cosmo is going around picking up the girls to take them to the poker game, and gives them all corsages, etc. one of the girls isn't ready yet, and while he's waiting for her, he talks to a girl sitting on a couch. she had a speaking part so she has to be credited somewhere. does anyone know the actress who played said girl? or if she was even an actress? or is she just a phantom?


I thought that girl was weird too. very mean to Cosmo, very abrupt.

I assumed she was the sister of the stripper he was picking up, and didn't appove of the way she made her living.

Very strange scene.





Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


Just finished it and checked for her. Either wrong scene or its not in the version of the movie I have.

"If Mad Max Fury Road is an 8 (I gave it a 1). Then I'll use 8 for OK, 9 is better, 10 is best."
