One thing that occured to me watching this film
Regardless of the ideology motivating the German Reich, you have to feel sorry for you average Wehrmacht grunt who went through hell on the Eastern front. Once the tide started turning they were hounded by the reds all the way to Berlin. Defeat after defeat, losing comrades left and right ; a situation not that much different (if not worse) from the US troops in Vietnam.
So how come so many Vietnam vets came home like zombies, completely shell shocked, whereas there are no tales of this nature about German war vets ?
Sure, Vietnam vets had the "bonus" of being called baby killers and being spat on by hippies once they got home, which was no doubt extremely humiliating for them, but the German soldiers got home to a nation in ruins. Their proud Reich on its knees, cut in half by occupying forces and at their mercy, begging for handouts.
Surely they felt just as miserable, if not more, than the GI's at the end of the Vietnam war ?
"I am not a complete idiot, some parts are missing."