is he gay?

in the scene in the bunker, talking about how men can live without women, its pretty odd stuff.

"i dont understand captain"

neither do i dude.


Stransky knew Triebig was gay, having seen him together with the orderly, and decided to make Triebig his tool, sensing that someone willing to do his bidding would come in handy. The dialogue was just his way of toying with Triebig, cornering him so Triebig had no escape.


i figured that out as i was posting, but thanks a lot for a good answer.

amazing and uncomfortable scene, the way it plays out is so odd and insane, just like life.


I didn't realise that. I suspected the two guys were guy but I thought that Stransky was gay too and was trying to basically sexually harass them or potentially pave the way for a rape.

But either way, it did a great job of letting us know just how much of a creepy bastard Stransky is haha.


It was one of the most cringe-worthy scenes I have ever seen.

The scene worked for me because it crossed the line into comedy. I wish I could show this clip to anyone who doesn't understand when they should keep their mouth shut.

I wanted to shout at Triebig not to answer Stransky's question - "You prefer the society of men...". Even the orderly, Josef, could see it was a ruse.

Actually, Triebig was keeping his cool and it was Josef who messed up when confronted by Stransky.

Stransky: 'That was a yes; SAY it!' - Yes. [Josef]
Stransky: 'Say it again; LOUDER!' - YES!. [Josef]

I was rolling on the floor laughing, thinking good God, keep your mouth shut. This has become an inside joke with my brother.



