MovieChat Forums > Grizzly (1976) Discussion > Grizzly 2 (Made for TV)

Grizzly 2 (Made for TV)

Okay, everybody knows the official Grizzly 2 has never been released. The movie "Claws", from Alaska Pictures, was sometimes retitled "Grizzly 2" to cash in on this picture, and supposedly so was a tamer made-for-TV movie about a bear. My question: What is the original title of the made-for-TV flick that cribbed the Grizzly 2 moniker? Can't find reference to it anywhere and I'm starting to doubt it ever existed.



Y'know, I've been wondering the very same thing for YEARS. Hmm.... only other bear movie I know besides Claws and Prophecy is one called BEASTS, which was about a bunch of robbers ganged up in a cabin with these 2 people, and a grizzly is attacking the town. Would that be it?


I also am intrigued by the GRIZZLY 2 story, which does sound a lot like an urban legend of some sort more than an actual movie -- I became aware of it only recently when researching David Sheldon's work on the 1974 Killer Kids cult favorite DEVIL TIMES FIVE, which Sheldon took over direction on after the mysterious Sean MacGregor was taken off the project for reasons that even the recent article on DEVIL TIMES FIVE in SCREEM magazine fails to make clear.

BEASTS is a 1983 movie about a couple who take a hiking trip in the Canadian rockies and meet up with two ex-cons who are hunting for a killer grizzly terrorizing the area. At one point the cons break into the couple's cabin, are chased off by a family friend, and later the male of the couple is mauled by the bear when he goes out for firewood. The couple then tries to make it back to their jeep and meet up with the cons again, the bear attacks and is killed when it pushes one of them over a cliff & falls itself.

It looks like it may indeed have been a made for cable movie produced in Canada but bears no relation to GRIZZLY, was an extremely low budget film with maybe nine speaking roles and a principal cast of five people. It's most noteable feature is the male lead, who is supposedly a writer and bears a striking resemblance to Stephen King. Don't get me wrong, I love movies like that, but it is more amateurishly made than anything William Girdler has been credited with. It is obscure but video tapes do exist, specifically a Greek VHS from the mid 1980s that turns up from time to time on eBay.

Bottom line is that BEASTS is not GRIZZLY 2, though I can see maybe where people may have mistaken it for being part of the GRIZZLY franchise. According to user comments on it's IMDb page it is a film that has played on late nite TV before. It has a blond woman in the lead but it sure isn't Laura Dern. George Clooney, Charlie Sheen and Gimli the Dwarf certainly are not in it, nor was the cinematography by Lazlo Kovacs.


The movie I think you are discussion is called "Predator: The Concert" form 1987. I have never seen it but it is somewhat famous as being the first screen work of George Clooney and Charlie Sheen.

It can be found under both their bios on IMDB or by going here

It is reported that Christopher George was supposed to be in this film as well, btu he died before filming began.

I don't know if any copies of the film even exist or not.


A sequel Grizzly II: The Predator was left unfinished. Heard the footage has never been officially released.

Read a review -

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Thanks for link to the review Wallace! Very informative. Never even knew a sequel existed. Wonder how hard it is to get the work print of the film. I imagine fairly difficult and pretty expensive. E-Bay here I come! ;)


I'm still wondering about this supposedly existant film titled GRIZZLY 2, that seems to have vanished into obscurity, this 70's TV film.

Does anyone have any info on it? Or if it went under anther title? It's not CLWAS, it's nt the real Grizzly 2, it's not Beasts... which is it?
